Rules & Regulation
- W.M.I.S. Students will at all times show great respect to the school authorities and members of the staff. They will ensure to greet them appropriately at the given moments. Their behaviour towards everyone will always be courteous and polite.
- Punctuality and cleanliness are the hallmarks of all well behaved students. Keep the school campus especially the class rooms clean and make proper use of litter bins.
- Be truthful and honest at all times especially during examinations. Do not be afraid or wary of speaking the truth.
- Take care of all school properties made available for your use. Do not cause any damage to building, furniture, electrical fittings, electronic equipment, computers in the lab, library books, sports utilities etc.
- Treat with care and respect not only the school property but also the property of fellow students.
- If you are found to be the cause of any such damage, you will naturally be required to compensate for the loss in cash or kind.
- Complete your class work, homework, projects and other assignments well in time as per the schedule given by your teacher. Any failure to complete these responsibilities will entail a proportionate loss in marks.
- Your student identity card must be worn properly at all times in such a manner that your identity can be verified by anyone standing in front of you.
- Speak in English at all times in the school campus and during the school trips.
- Possession of materials of low moral value (like offensive periodicals, books, objects, CDs, tapes, and so on) is not permitted inside the school. Chewing gum is also strictly prohibited in the school.
- Students are cautioned not to bring to the school, valuables such as mobile phones, gold chains, cameras, I Pod, I-Pad, Discman, costly watches or other such articles. The school will not be responsible for the loss of such goods.
- Students are not allowed to possess or use cell phones in the school campus. If any such gadget is found, it will be confiscated and destroyed.
- Students using bicycles can park their bicycles in the place allotted for them. Bicycle riding is not permitted inside the school premises.
- Students should not indulge in lying, ragging, teasing, disturbing and distracting the students of the opposite sex, borrowing and taking money from fellow students, racist comments, physical violence, fighting with other students, causing serious injuries, bad behaviour, spreading bad rumours, forging signature, being disrespectful to a teacher, threatening a teacher etc.
- Repeated violations of school rules will lead to disciplinary action.
- Students will ensure that the tables and benches are properly placed and litter not strewn around.
- While teaching is in progress no student should talk, move around or disturb the teacher or other students.
- Students are not allowed to consume water or food stuff when the class is in progress.
- Students leaving the class on account of illness must take a permission slip duly signed by the teachers in the class for submitting to the school nurse.
- Class prefects must ensure that all windows are closed and lights and fans switched off before leaving the class for outdoor activities and at the end of the day.
- No student should play in the classroom or on the veranda during breaks.
Students are expected to participate earnestly in all activities at school, except in the event of serious illness or emergencies. The Leave Policy of the School is:
- Every student is expected to be present in the school on the first day of each term till the last day of the term . A minimum of 95% attendance is required for a promotion to the next class.
- Students will not be granted leave while the school is in session. Students will not be permitted to extend their holidays beyond those listed in the school calendar.
- The following exemptions may be granted:
- – Death, life threatening illness or serious accident suffered by an immediate family member, like parents or siblings.
- – Student’s own serious illness , determined after consultation with the family physician’s notes.
- – Students taking competitive or entrance examinations.
- – Students participating in sports or cultural competitions.
- – Other emergencies as judged by the Principal.
- In an emergency, parent or guardian will have to take the prior permission for leave for the student with an application addressed to the Principal.
- When a student is absent from school, his/her parent must call the school on the day of absence and the student must bring an application for leave from the parent stating the cause, and the exact date(s) of the absence upon returning to school and get the leave approved by the Principal before entering class room. The parent must also enter details of the leave applied for in the leave record section of the student handbook which must also be presented by the student to the Principal for endorsement along with the leave letter. Further, the student must present the approved leave letter and the leave record in the handbook to the class teacher during class time.
- Continued absence by students for more than 3 days without any information or prior permission will result in appropriate action.
- When a student is absent due to illness for 3 or more days, a medical certificate must be brought on the day of return.
- Work missed during absence must be made up. It is the student’s responsibility to approach the respective teachers for missed assignments. Any absence will affect the learning experience and can affect the student’s academic grade.
- Time spent outside the school premises for the school sponsored activities is not considered as absence. This includes field trips, excursions, inter-school competitions and school programmes.Leaving the school for any unavoidable circumstances the student should complete the clearance formalities . Clearance form is available at the school office.