Wearing the school uniform to school is compulsory. Students must take care of personal hygiene and grooming.
No items of dress other than the prescribed ones in the prescribed form will be permitted in the school premises. For example, hats, caps, sunglasses, jeans and so on are among the prohibited items.
Pants and skirts must be fitted to the waist and every item of school uniform must be worn in the correct way, as prescribed by the school.
Fancy hairstyles including dying and colouring, nail polish and eye liner are not permitted. Boys must have well groomed hair and girls must have their hair maintained and tied in a simple, normal and neat way.
Nails must be cleaned and cut regularly. No students must have overgrown nails.
No skin decoration like tattooing are allowed. Keep your skin healthy. No excuses for the defaulters.
Piercing of any part of the body is not allowed. Normal earrings and studs (not the hanging and fancy kinds) are permitted for girls. No other ornaments whatsoever are allowed.